Niko von der Lühe

What I can do for you

People in every team, every enterprise, and every organization possess indispensable, diverse resources. Day in and day out, they take up the challenges that confront them in their work. To ensure that people of differing cultural backgrounds work together fruitfully, it is necessary to create and maintain constructive cooperation and a sense of togetherness. But diversity also has its pitfalls. I support my clients as they unfurl the resources within people and teams, clarify misunderstandings, and get deadlocked situations moving again.

With more than two decades of experience in both local and international contexts, I am fully cognizant of the success factors needed for good cooperation. My work covers every organizational and management level and comprises the following offers:

1. Clarification of conflicts

Clarification of difficult situations that arise on conjunction with cooperation, one-on-one conflicts, and disputes within the team

2. Moderation (also for large groups)

Team development, feedback from and for managers, moderating strategy development processes, negotiation of cooperative relations – both internally (clarification of roles) and externally, and large group moderation (conferences, Open Space, World Café etc.)

3. Accompanying change processes

Strengthening problem-solving skills in teams and organizations, increasing the team’s adaptability to changes.

4. Coaching and consulting

Individual coaching, introduction and accompanying collegial consulting groups

5. Training

Developing members of management, communications training, conflict training, Capacity WORKS (GIZ)